Roxana Bacian
Organisational and Leadership Coaching
for Social Impact
Roxana Bacian
Organisational and Leadership Coach
Associate Certified Coach, Itl Coaching Federation
The values we hold as leaders and in our organisations are hard to live by under pressure. As a result our morale decreases together with our hope for the impact we want to have on the world. The approach I bring anchors leaders and teams in strong relationships that solidify their resolve and help them re-return to their values and vision in the face of relentless real-world demands.
Hear me in conversations with leading coaches
and social impact entrepreneurs
Conscious Leadership
with The Breakout Room,
Tim Mart, Know You More
Recorded w/ previous name, Iacob
Talking on leadership that brings people together.
In the Arena: Equity
with The Coaching Inn and Kirsty Elderton
Recorded w/ previous name, Iacob
Exploring the power of equity in coaching and beyond.
Effective Coaching Relationships
with Kruti Shah
Recorded w/ previous name, Iacob
How to best prepare for and get the most out of coaching.
‘One of my biggest learnings in recent years has been that in the work of enabling societal change, 'use of self' is one of the most powerful tools there is.
To me, that means that who we are and how we relate to others is the bedrock of wider change in the world. Someone who deploys her 'use of self' beautifully is Roxana Bacian in her work of relational coaching for change-makers.’
- Lydia Hascott
For Social Impact Organisations
'I know the number of coaches in the world is growing, and it may seem overwhelming at times. However, there are coaches and there are coaches. If you're looking for a coach, look for one that walks their talk. Roxana is a social impact coach that does.'
- Rashmir Balasubramaniam
Are you a leader or organisation navigating a period of significant change?
Over the last five years I've supported leaders and organisations navigate moments
of transition through a three-fold method:
Moral Anchoring
Solidify and reconnect with your values and principles for operating;
Meet external demands without sacrificing integrity and vision;
Recommit to each other and the purpose of your organisation.
Read more about this here (blog post)
Unearth the current emotional landscape of your organisation;
Increase comfort with conflict to leverage differences in the team;
Increase your team's collective ability
to tolerate stress and uncertainty.
Resilient Relationships
Iterative & Developmental
Co-design the coaching programme and commit to developmental learning;
Use presence, listening and intuition as well as data and cognition;
Set a clear direction, set goals and review outcomes iteratively.
The experience, skills and presence I bring to this work are shaped by the relationships I’ve been blessed with, the people who aren’t afraid to keep growing for the love of justice -seeking and fairer futures. They include my therapist, supervisor, coaching managers and colleagues, partner, long-time friends and most of all, the clients I work with who are brave to cross the bridge of their own lives and that of their organisations.​
Case studies from my work as an Associate on OrgBuilders:
Current Clients:
Context: Youth-led social enterprise working towards sustainable financial model
Supporting them to:
* Discuss and define core decision-making, conflict resolution and ED-I policies that are nformed directly by the youth’s vision for the organisation;
* Create reflective space for the leader of the enterprise to reflect on and develop their authentic leadership approach as well as critically evaluate their communication and interpersonal skills;
* Setting up clear and strong criteria and structures for growing the team whilst ensuring the deep values are transmitted and can be replicated in the organisaiton by new hires.
Context: Community interest company moving from a hierarchical to a non-hierarchical structure
Supporting them to:
* Set up organisational processes and structures that align with the current values, capacity and capability of the team;
* Transition from being led by a founder to being led collectively;
* Embed anti-oppression and intersectionality tangibly throughout decision-making, conflict navigation, employment policy and collective care.
Past Clients:
Context: Charity moving to a co-directorship model
Supported them to:
* Explore the challenges and opportunities in shifting power from one director to two and how this might impact the team: its relationships and power negotiation;

* Define clearer roles for each member of the team and identify areas of responsibility based on both organisational and personal development goals;

* Identify how the director's role and approach to leadership needed to shift in order to enable a healthy transition to co-leadership.

Context: Non-hierarchical activist network re-starting activity after the Covid-19 pandemic
Supported them to:
* Design mechanisms to transfer experience and knowledge from older members to ongoing newcomers;
* Explore decision-making models and discuss best options fit for their network;

* Using soft power, and influencing to anti-oppressive structures and collective care in how the network operated;

* Raise awareness of each others’ working styles and manage areas of growth in communication and navigation of conflict.
Associate Certified Coach, Member of the International Coaching Federation;
Professional indemnity insurance with Hiscox; Regular supervision and psychotherapy;
140hrs live coach training (ongoing), 300+ coaching sessions;
7+ years experience co-designing visuals, programmes and services for organisations such as Shift Design, Snook (The Scottish Government, NHS24, Edinburgh University, Stirling Council), FutureGov;
2+ years organisational coaching with organisations in land justice, anti-detention, youth mental health and climate justice as an associate with New Economy Organisers Network;
2+ years facilitating, training and supervising coaches on coaching foundation programmes with Simply Coaching and the MOE Foundation.
5+ years leadership and wellbeing coaching with social entrepreneurs, creative freelancers, designers, climate specialists, researchers, creative arts practitioners, consultants, headteachers, heads of grant-making foundations and directors of charities. Independently and with Learnest, She Leads Change and Know You More,